Monday, February 15, 2010

Balancing Act

This morning I woke up and hopped down from my top bunk and almost fell over. Over the past couple days I've occasionally felt very unsteady especially in the morning. It's not a dizzy feeling, just an unbalanced feeling as my body readjusts to being on stable land. On the ship, most of my classmates got seasick and I certainly felt nauseous for a couple days. A steady supply of Bonine kept a portion of us in the clear, however, mealtimes were always quite the experience.

Photo courtesy of Kris Arden

We ate at gimbled tables which stayed level while the rest of the ship rolled back and forth preventing the plates and food from sliding off the table. It was difficult to remember that technically it wasn't the tables moving but the ship itself rotating about the tables.

Disaster struck if you happened to stop the movement of the tabletops with a knee or elbow. On a couple occasions the table would stop on the labs of the downside eaters and the plates on the high side would fall up! But if you didn't interfere, literally nothing would fall off the tables. If you weren't on the surface of the table you were subject to movement...

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