Friday, February 26, 2010


Phew, difficult week here at the U of Williams-Mystic. Project proposals, essays, and reading galore. But in 12hrs we'll all be heading to Seattle tomorrow morning for our Pacific Northwest Field Seminar!

Basic itinerary is as follows:

Saturday: Hartford, CT to Seattle...dinner with my sister!
Sunday: Seattle
Monday: Seattle to Tacoma to Portland
Tuesday: Bonneville Dam to Astoria
Wednesday: Astoria to Newport
Thursday: Newport to Coos Bay to Charleston
Friday: Charleston
Saturday: to Portland...flight home!

This will be on the exam:
Space Needle, Crowley Marine tugboat, Pike Place Market, Seattle Fisherman's Terminal, Container ship terminal, Point Defiance Park, Columbia River, Crown Point, Bonneville Dam, Multnomah Falls, Cape Disappointment, Youngs Bay Salmon Pens, Cannon Beach, Youngs Bay Terminal Fishery Net Pen Project, Sea Lion Caves, Oregon Dunes National Seashore....

No internet access, but I will be reachable by cell.

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